Wir sind alle Globetrotter.

Ich trage eine Marken-Unterhose, die war schon ohne mich in Vietnam. Die H&M-Jeans, die ich heute früh vom Trockner gezogen habe, sind extra aus Bangladesch zu mir nach Hamburg angereist. Der finster dreinblickende Superheld auf meinem T-Shirt mit dem Energie-Schriftzug ist ganz von Thailand bis zu mir geflogen.  Der Computer, auf dem ich das hier schreibe, wurde in Kalifornien entworfen und in der volkreichen Republik zusammengelötet, und obwohl mein in nur drei Jahren völlig veraltetes Smartphone von einer anderen Marke kommt (die es nicht mal mehr gibt), wurde es nur einige Hallen weiter erstmals zu Testzwecken eingeschaltet. Während meine sauteure, gefütterte Sweatshirt-Kapuzenjacke von dieser todschicken holländischen Segelmodenmarke aus Indien anreiste, sind mein eine italienischen Schuhe aus China eingewandert. Die Socken waren ein Angebot von dem legendären Sockenentwerfer Pierre Cardin (3 Paar knapp 6 Euro), können sich ansonsten aber, ach,  nicht ausweisen. Ich bin sicher, die waren auch ganz schön unterwegs.

Dafür, dass ich zuletzt vor 17 Jahren ins außereuropäische Ausland geflogen bin, sieht meine CO2-Bilanz ziemlich beschissen aus. Aber immerhin modisch.

(Und hier die Übersetzung, netterweise erledigt durch das native American Unternehmen Google:)

We all are globetrotters.
I'm wearing a brand underpants that was already without me in Vietnam. The H & M jeans, which I have now taken early from the dryer, all the way from Bangladesh to me in Hamburg. The scowling superhero on my t-shirt with the energy signature is flown entirely from Thailand to me. The computer on which I'm writing this, was designed in California and soldered together in the populous republic, and although my in just three years completely outdated phone from another brand comes (which not even there), it was only a few halls further first powered test purposes. During my acidic expensive, lined sweatshirt hoodie from this swanky Dutch sailing clothing brand from India anreiste, my one Italian shoes from China have immigrated. The socks were a quotation from the legendary Sockenentwerfer Pierre Cardin (3 pair just under 6 euros), but otherwise can, alas not identify. I'm sure that was quite nice on the road.

That I last flew 17 years ago out of Europe, sees my CO2 balance out pretty crappy. But still fashionable.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Christian meurer25.11.12

    lieber thies,

    du hast da einen prominenten mitstreiter (siehe unten)



    Union Sundown by Bob Dylan


    Well, my shoes, they come from Singapore
    My flashlight’s from Taiwan
    My tablecloth’s from Malaysia
    My belt buckle’s from the Amazon
    You know, this shirt I wear comes from the Philippines
    And the car I drive is a Chevrolet
    It was put together down in Argentina
    By a guy makin’ thirty cents a day

    Well, it’s sundown on the union
    And what’s made in the U.S.A.
    Sure was a good idea
    ’Til greed got in the way

    Well, this silk dress is from Hong Kong
    And the pearls are from Japan
    Well, the dog collar’s from India
    And the flower pot’s from Pakistan
    All the furniture, it says “Made in Brazil”
    Where a woman, she slaved for sure
    Bringin’ home thirty cents a day to a family of twelve
    You know, that’s a lot of money to her

    Well, it’s sundown on the union
    And what’s made in the U.S.A.
    Sure was a good idea
    ’Til greed got in the way

    Well, you know, lots of people complainin’ that there is no work
    I say, “Why you say that for
    When nothin’ you got is U.S.–made?”
    They don’t make nothin’ here no more
    You know, capitalism is above the law
    It say, “It don’t count ’less it sells”
    When it costs too much to build it at home
    You just build it cheaper someplace else

    Well, it’s sundown on the union
    And what’s made in the U.S.A.
    Sure was a good idea
    ’Til greed got in the way

    Well, the job that you used to have
    They gave it to somebody down in El Salvador
    The unions are big business, friend
    And they’re goin’ out like a dinosaur
    They used to grow food in Kansas
    Now they want to grow it on the moon and eat it raw
    I can see the day coming when even your home garden
    Is gonna be against the law

    Well, it’s sundown on the union
    And what’s made in the U.S.A.
    Sure was a good idea
    ’Til greed got in the way

    Democracy don’t rule the world
    You’d better get that in your head
    This world is ruled by violence
    But I guess that’s better left unsaid
    From Broadway to the Milky Way
    That’s a lot of territory indeed
    And a man’s gonna do what he has to do
    When he’s got a hungry mouth to feed

    Well, it’s sundown on the union
    And what’s made in the U.S.A.
    Sure was a good idea
    ’Til greed got in the way

    Copyright © 1983 by Special Rider Music

  2. Und das vor dreißig Jahren.
    (Vielleicht sollte ich meinen Text vortragen und dazu Mundharmonika spielen.)


Ich bin von so vielen anonymen Spamkommentaren beworfen worden, dass ich soeben die Sicherheitsabfrage wieder eingeschaltet habe. Sorry.